Derivatives market CME Group has released market statistics showing that the average daily trading volume for 2024 will reach 26.50 million contracts, of which the average daily trading volume of cryptocurrencies has increased by 203% to about 117,000 contracts (6.80 billion USD), including: The annual average daily trading volume of micro bitcoin futures reached 48,000 contracts. The annual average daily trading volume of micro-Ethereum futures reached 41,000 contracts. 3. Bitcoin futures annua...
上市比特币矿企DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc. 发布2024全年财务业绩报告,其中披露2024年第四季度挖矿产出为65枚比特币,全年挖矿产出出502.5枚BTC,较上年下降43%,现金和数字货币持有量达到3600万加元,年底总资产为1.04亿加元。
DeFi Technologies宣布成立分拆新公司SolFi Technologies ,专注于通过自营交易、验证器节点操作和生态系统投资,让投资者直接接触Solana区块链生态系统,据悉新公司将引入Solana财务战略,使用专有算法和创新融资策略来收购、持有和质押Solana (SOL)代币,并以比第三方质押提供商更高的收益率产生稳定的现金流,最终将其再投资或作为股息分配给股东。
According to CoinGecko data, the total market capitalization of the top 100 cryptocurrencies today is 2.07299 trillion dollars, and the 24-hour trading volume is 132.16 billion dollars.
据 SolanaFloor 披露, 天使投资人 Anthony Pompliano 在 CNBC 上透露,其去年卖掉了所有 ETH 来购买 SOL ,并认为以太坊现货 ETF 的炒作被夸大了。